Vire BVR Marine Engine
Main Bearings

These are the main bearings removed from the crankcase


I now supply these ready to fit, unlike  from a bearing dealer. in which case they  to flip out the 'S'ealing cap on one side before use with a screwdriver (the vire needs unsealed bearings to allow the fuel/oil to lubricate the bearings when running.. You can pay twice as much for stainless, but i dont think it is neccesary unless you let sea water leak into the crankcase for months or have had a corrosion problem.


you will need 2 seals and 2 bearings.  Save a rumbling old masterpiece, instead of throwing it, but if you must - throw it my way will you(see contact page), as I will make best use of your BVR.

WARNING - dont stress the crank pin big end when changing bearings or your shaft will go out of true. particularly dont drift new bearings on by pressing crank webs together - either use a distance piece to prevent this or better still support the local web only using bars.



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